
Working with Us


Our agency’s services are grounded in the “inbound” approach. This is an approach to marketing that focuses on helping audiences who are most likely to become your customers solve their problems.

Specifically, inbound marketing is defined by the following features:

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Non-interruptive: strives to assist potential customers rather than interrupt what they’re doing 

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Targeted: seeks to help those actively seeking solutions rather than capturing the attention of potentially disinterested audiences

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Primarily digital: employs mostly digital tactics such as digital content creation, SEO, & email marketing

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Long-term results: emphasizes sustainability over short-term wins


A lot of digital marketing agencies offer inbound marketing, but we’ve been in the game since 2011, when we became an official partner of HubSpot.

Today, our Platinum Solutions Partner status is the result of our success in building effective inbound programs and websites for clients large and small.

Our process

Here’s what you can expect from an engagement with us.

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1. Discovery meeting

We’ll meet with you to learn more about your company, find out what’s working and not working for your business, and identify specific problems you want to fix and/or goals you want to achieve.

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2. Strategy assessment

Next, we use our first scope of work to do a deep dive into your company, goals, buyers, competition, and the search engine landscape in your industry. From this research, we’re able to put together a custom strategy tailored to your needs, which we deliver in a 20-30 page PDF. This includes findings and recommendations for achieving your goals on your timeline.

Should you choose to continue with us, we’ll start to put together a plan for implementing these recommendations together, which usually involves two phases of work.

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3. Foundation phase

The second scope of work lays the foundation for everything else, ensuring we have everything needed for the recommended strategy laid out in the strategy assessment to succeed. For example, this might involve refreshing, rebuilding, or augmenting a website, setting up new ad campaigns and associated assets, setting up marketing automation, or onboarding and integrating software platforms.

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4. Builder phase

After we’ve laid the groundwork, we use our third scope of work to implement recommendations from the strategy assessment that require ongoing time commitment, such as content creation, email marketing, and advertising campaign management. This typically takes the form of an annual retainer agreement that includes up to a certain number of hours, billed monthly.


“I would like to share with you my absolute pleasure in working with your team. They are extremely responsive and their output is amazing. They are very collaborative and definitely think about what they are doing to optimize results.”


Nick Capman, CEO
The FDA Group



Learn about our approaches to outsourcing, attribution, access management, and AI.


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Do you outsource?

The majority of the time, we do not. We have in-house expertise in web design, website development, copy and content writing, HubSpot services, digital advertising, and more. However, we outsource design and development services in these narrow use cases:

  • In early stages of website design, we outsource concept creation to a team of trusted freelance designers to give our clients more options for the visual direction we're taking the site. This helps us avoid design groupthink and results in a better end product.
  • We work with trusted partners to provide video production and animation services.
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Do you have any experience in our industry?

We have served clients in many industries such as IT, biotechnology, B2B consulting, franchise, real estate, manufacturing, legal, and home services. Check out our case studies for more details.

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What is your process for creating content? What if our industry is complex?

We employ a journalistic approach to content creation that relies heavily on information sourced directly from subject matter experts (SMEs) at your company. Interviews are recorded and turned into a transcript, which we then use to create a draft. Experts and other members of your team have the opportunity to provide feedback and/or edit before content is published. In this way, our team molds expert knowledge into an engaging, consumable format.

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Which CMS platforms do you build websites on?

We build primarily on HubSpot CMS as it offers a user-friendly content editor and integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s suite of marketing, sales, and service tools.

For simpler website projects for clients that do not need the marketing, sales or service tools that HubSpot offers, we use Webflow CMS.


Learn more about pricing.

Let’s work together.

We believe in making things easy. Get in touch with us however you want to express interest, ask questions, or briefly tell us about your needs. We’ll follow up within one business day to schedule a conversation.